Friday, June 4, 2010

Pocket nappies

Pocket nappies are reuseable nappies with a 'pocket' to insert absorbent pieces of material. They usually come with a waterproof outer layer and several pads to insert into the pocket.
Right: 'Bum genius' one size pocket nappy. From left to right: waterproof outer cover, smaller pad for extra absorbency, main absorbent pad.

The material used for the pads and the outer covers vary with different brands. Some brands use bamboo fibres or cotton for the inserts and others use polyester. Most natural fibres will take longer to dry but will be healthier for your baby and the environment.

Some pocket nappies have tabs to change the sizing as your baby grows. Pocket nappies with this system are called 'one size pocket nappies'. A pocket nappy without these tabs will not fit your baby for as long.

Having removable layers instead of them being stitched together means that pocket nappies can be more thoroughly cleaned and will dry faster.
There are many types of pocket nappy available such as happy heinys, bum genius, smartepants, bee- bops, pea pods to name a few.